Sub-Saharan Africa
March 2018
Complex Vulnerability and Access to Justice for Former Refugee Populations: The Case of the Somali Zigula in TanzaniaJUSTRAC
Apr 21, 2017
SYMPOSIUM REPORT: Youth and the Rule of Law in Sub-Saharan Africa: Symposium Final ReportConflict and Transition, Corruption, Environment, Formal Justice Sector Institutions, Rule of Law Programming, Understanding Local ContextJUSTRAC
SUMMARY: Enhancing the Detection, Investigation and Disruption of Illicit Financial Flows from Wildlife CrimeCorruption, Environment, General Rule of Law, Rule of Law Programming, Understanding Local ContextUnited Nations Office on Drugs and Crime and Asia Pacific Group
Vol. 7 No. 2
Non-Consolidating Constitutional Amendments and the Rule of Law in Democratizing Francophone West Africa: Case Study of Benin, Burkina Faso, and SenegalHumanities and Social Sciences Review 07, 2017
Somalia: Overview of Corruption and Anti-CorruptionU4 Anti-Corruption Resource Centre 2017
Justice and Security Sector Diagnostic – Central African RepublicHarvard Humanitarian Initiative & American Bar Association Rule of Law Initiative 27, 2017
Despite Challenges, Niger’s Court System Enjoys High Level of Popular Trust 14, 2017
The Human Cost of a Megacity: Forced Evictions of the Urban Poor in Lagos, NigeriaAmnesty International 2017
A Conceptual Analysis of the Rule of Law in NigeriaBayero Journal of International Law & Jurisprudence 29, 2017
Mali: Overview of Corruption and Anti-CorruptionU4 Anti-Corruption Resource Centre Publications
In Brief: Beyond COVID-19: A Feminist Plan for Sustainability and Social JusticeUN Women 25, 2020
Access to justice and the COVID-19 pandemicOECD 2020
Use of New Technologies for Consistent and Proactive Screening of Vulnerable PopulationsVulnerable PopulationsUnited Nations University Institute in Macau