Upcoming Events

JUSTRAC offers a variety of Learning Opportunities throughout the year. See below for the most up-to-date information about upcoming opportunities.


Upcoming JUSTRAC Events

Understanding and Analyzing Corruption

August 7-8, 2024

This two-day training will address the causes and consequences of corruption, examining the antagonism between corruption and the rule of law. It will explore the systemic nature of both justice systems and systems of corruption. Participants will work through practical exercises to develop their own detailed understanding of corruption and grapple with how it manifests in their country of focus. Participants will be challenged to broaden the way in which they understand corruption and be prepared to account for corruption in their program design work based on the analysis performed during this training session. Participants will leave the training with a more sophisticated understanding of what corruption is, the difficulties in identifying corruption, how corruption acts as a spoiler to rule of law, and how corruption evolves to resist reform efforts.


Programmatic Responses to Corruption

August 21-22, 2024

Building upon the analytical foundation provided in the previous JUSTRAC Training “Understanding and Analyzing Corruption,” this two-day training will enable participants to not only expand their knowledge of anti-corruption efforts beyond traditional approaches but also to utilize concrete tools to respond to anti-corruption holistically, creatively, and strategically. Participants will apply these tools in a group setting drawing from hypothetical scenarios that will illustrate the challenges outlined during the training. At the end of the training, participants will leave with a nuanced and sophisticated understanding of programmatic responses to corruption as well as templates for all tools used throughout the training to apply to their own country of focus.


January 9, 16, 23, 30, 2025

This workshop gives participants the skills to understand the justice systems of the partner nations with which they work, and better prepares them to engage in rule of law reform. The sheer complexity of justice systems can impair understanding of the relevant problems and, in turn, lead to ineffective program design and potentially compromised relationships with partners. A thorough understanding of the context in which U.S. Government professionals are assigned to work is the crucial foundation to effective program design, strong implementation, and concrete improvements in justice systems. This workshop helps program officers working with foreign justice systems better understand that context.


February 13, 20, 27, March 6, 2025

This workshop gives participants the skills to understand the justice systems of the partner nations with which they work, and better prepares them to engage in rule of law reform. The sheer complexity of justice systems can impair understanding of the relevant problems and, in turn, lead to ineffective program design and potentially compromised relationships with partners. A thorough understanding of the context in which U.S. Government professionals are assigned to work is the crucial foundation to effective program design, strong implementation, and concrete improvements in justice systems. This workshop helps program officers working with foreign justice systems better understand that context.


March 19-20, 2025

This two-day learning event will introduce participants to the main legal systems employed globally. An overview of the features of common law and civil law will be provided, in addition to salient aspects of Islamic law. Informal justice systems – although highly variable, and with some countries using multiple informal mechanisms – have certain common characteristics that are also important to understand.


April 10, 17, 24, May 1, 2025

This workshop will focus on measuring rule of law programs. Program participants will learn and practice applying key skills necessary for measuring effective projects. Course content will focus on how country context and a systems perspective on justice helps develop better program measurement systems. Participants will learn how to build useful indicators that provide valuable information on progress related to program interventions. Participants will become familiar with different programming modalities and understand how to creatively design projects closely linked to the problems they aim to ameliorate. Finally, participants will have opportunities to practice the skills they learn in an interactive measurement system development module.

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