JUSTRAC+ Final Report

View JUSTRAC+ Final Report

From 2018 through 2023, the U.S. Department of State’s Bureau of International Narcotics and Law Enforcement Affairs (DOS/INL) managed the Justice Sector Training, Research, and Coordination Plus Program (JUSTRAC+) in partnership with the Rule of Law Collaborative at the University of South Carolina (ROLC) and the American Bar Association Rule of Law Initiative (ABA-ROLI).

ROLC implemented Project 1 of JUSTRAC+, which sought to enhance the level of applied knowledge and skills of individuals and organizations that fund, design, manage, and implement rule of law programs for the benefit of program recipients. This Final Report summarizes the outcomes and impact of Project 1.

Building on the foundation from the predecessor Justice Sector Training,Research, and Coordination Program (JUSTRAC), the ROLC team expanded and deepened its menu of learning opportunities for the U.S. Government interagency rule of law and justice sector reform workforce.

Over the life of JUSTRAC+, ROLC developed a set of learning opportunities in coordination with DOS/INL. Through iteration and continuous improvement, ROLC designed those learning opportunities to provide progressive, mutually reinforcing knowledge to participants.

For an overview of JUSTRAC+ activities, view the Final Report.

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