JUSTRAC Publishes Programmatic Retrospective

From 2014 to 2019, the Rule of Law Collaborative (ROLC) implemented the Justice Sector Training, Research, and Coordination Program (JUSTRAC) through a cooperative agreement with the U.S. Department of State’s Bureau of International Narcotics and Law Enforcement Affairs. Over the past five years, JUSTRAC delivered 19 introductory, advanced, and specialized training courses to over 800 participants from 16 federal agencies. JUSTRAC also presented 15 domestic and international symposia to nearly 1,100 participants from over 300 organizations worldwide. In addition, JUSTRAC published eight peer-reviewed papers and 90 ROLC-authored publication summaries while maintaining a library of over 400 resources in rule of law and justice sector issues.

For an overview of JUSTRAC activities, view the Programmatic Retrospective.

ROLC continues to design and deliver knowledge- and skill-building activities for rule of law and justice sector practitioners through JUSTRAC’s successor program, the Justice Sector Training, Research, and Coordination Plus Program (JUSTRAC+). Check www.justrac.org regularly for information about upcoming JUSTRAC+ activities.

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