Exploring Approaches to Alternatives to Incarceration Abroad

April 9, 2019

Washington, DC


Each year, more than 10 million people are imprisoned around the world. The revolving door of incarceration drains resources from already-overtaxed criminal justice systems and, in particular, corrections institutions. In addition, prisons often foster increased criminality and—in some settings—may serve as incubators for violent extremist groups and other criminal organizations. This symposium brought together both domestic and international justice sector professionals, along with non-governmental organization representatives, to examine alternatives to incarceration (ATI). The symposium examined the potential of ATI to curb pretrial detention and recidivism rates, achieving improved rehabilitative and treatment outcomes. The symposium also considered whether ATI can maintain or reduce government investment in the criminal justice sector by halting increases in investment for purely punitive mechanisms for criminal offenders.

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